
There is a diversity of research relating to the issue of violence against women.
Key publications and research relating to violence against women
Evaluations and Progress Reports
- Evaluation of the National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and Their Children 2010-2022
- Evaluation of the Fourth Action Plan
- Second Progress Report for the Fourth Action Plan 2019-2022
- Our Watch Evaluation Final Report, September 2021 – La Trobe University
- Consultation Summary Report for the Evaluation of National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022
- First Progress Report for the Fourth Action Plan 2019-2022
- Evaluation of 1800RESPECT – Final Report
- Process evaluation of the Third Action Plan 2016-19
- Review of Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS), 2017
- Review of Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS), 2020
- Evaluation of the Second Action Plan of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010–2022, 2017 (KPMG)
- 2017–18 Annual Progress Report of the Third Action Plan 2016–19
- 2016–17 Annual Progress Report of the Third Action Plan 2016–19
- 2015–16 Annual Progress Report of the Second Action Plan 2013–2016
- 2014–15 Annual Progress Report of the Second Action Plan 2013–2016
- Progress Report to the Council of Australian Governments 2010 – 2012
- Evaluation Plan for the National Plan, 2014
- Respectful Relationships Evaluations
- Respectful Relationships Evaluation – Summary of findings
- Respectful Relationships Evaluation – Report 2.2: Final findings of Round 3
- Respectful Relationships Evaluation – Report 2.1: Preliminary Analysis of Baseline Data – Round 3
- Respectful Relationships Evaluation – Rounds 1 and 2 Recommendations
- Respectful Relationships Evaluation – Rounds 1 and 2
- Respectful Relationships Evaluation – Rounds 1 and 2 Section 1.3
- Respectful Relationships Evaluation – Rounds 1 and 2 Section 1.4
Cost of Violence
- The Cost of Violence against Women and their Children in Australia (May 2016)
- The Cost Of Violence Against Women And Their Children (March 2009)
Family and Domestic Violence Workforce
- National Risk Assessment Principles for Family and Domestic Violence
- National survey of workers who work with people affected by family, domestic and sexual violence (3 July 2018)
- The effects of pornography on children and young people (December 2017)
- Children’s experiences of domestic and family violence: Findings from a meta synthesis (April 2017) (PDF) (DOCX)
- Domestic violence in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC) (2015)
- Doing good business: A resource for researchers about conducting research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children about family violence (PDF) (DOCX)
- Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI)
- Preventing homelessness for women and children who have experienced domestic and family violence (17 July 2013)
- Home and safe? Policy and practice innovations to prevent women and children who have experienced domestic and family violence from becoming homeless (25 November 2012)
- Homelessness prevention for women and children who have experienced domestic and family violence: innovations in policy and practice (22 June 2011)
- Women, Domestic and Family Violence and Homelessness: A Synthesis Report (August 2008)
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities
- A platform for action: Report from the national roundtable on responding to violence against culturally and linguistically diverse women and their children (2015) (PDF) (DOCX)
- Hearing her voice: Report from the kitchen table conversations with culturally and linguistically diverse women on violence against women and their children (2015) (PDF) (DOCX)
- National Outcome Standards for Perpetrator Interventions: Baseline Report, 2015–16 (PDF) (DOCX)
- Development of the National Outcome Standards for Perpetrator Interventions (NOSPI) (PDF) (DOCX)
- National Outcome Standards for Perpetrator Interventions Baseline Report (forthcoming)
- National Outcome Standards for Perpetrator Interventions (2015) (PDF) (DOCX)
- The National Stakeholder Consultation for National Perpetrator Intervention Outcome Standards for Australia: Report on the key themes from consultations, REOS (2014) (PDF) (DOCX)
- Glossary for the National Outcome Standards for Perpetrator Interventions (PDF) (DOCX)
- Perpetrator interventions in Australia, ANROWS
- Literature Review on Domestic Violence Perpetrators
Sexual Violence
Primary Prevention of Sexual Violence and Harassment against Women and Girls: Combining Evidence and Practice Knowledge, La Trobe University
- Primary Prevention of Sexual Violence and Harassment Evidence Review and Data Synthesis (PDF) (DOCX)
- Primary Prevention of Sexual Violence and Harassment Theory of Change (PDF) (DOCX)
Stocktake of primary prevention initiatives in sexual violence and sexual harassment, Deloitte, July 2020
- Fact Sheet: Stocktake of primary prevention initiatives in sexual violence and sexual harassment (PDF) (DOCX)
- Report: Stocktake of primary prevention initiatives in sexual violence and sexual harassment (PDF) (DOCX)
- Dashboard: Stocktake of primary prevention initiatives in sexual violence and sexual harassment (XLSX)
Deloitte was engaged by the Department of Social Services to undertake a stocktake of primary prevention initiatives in sexual violence and sexual harassment. The stocktake report and fact sheets have been prepared at the request of the Department of Social Services in accordance with the terms of Deloitte’s contract with the Department. The report and fact sheets are not intended to and should not be used or relied upon by anyone else and we accept no duty of care to any other person or entity.
- Faith-based communities’ responses to family and domestic violence
- Australian Government Response to the Senate Inquiry into Domestic Violence in Australia (December 2016, tabled in Parliament on 17 May 2017)
- Reducing violence against women and their children – Research informing the development of a national campaign (November 2015)
- Domestic violence in Australia: a quick guide to the issues, Parliamentary Library, 2015
- Domestic, family and sexual violence in Australia: an overview of the issues, Parliamentary Library, 2014
- Domestic violence in Australia—an overview of the issues, Parliamentary Library, 2011
Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) publications
ANROWS publishes a range of publications focusing on new, innovative and emerging research, policy and practice initiatives addressing violence against women and their children.
Our Watch
Our Watch is an independent, not for profit organisation established to drive nationwide change in culture, behaviours and power imbalances to prevent violence against women and their children.
Child Family Community Australia, Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS)
Child Family Community Australia (CFCA) is AIFS’ information hub for evidence, resources and support for professionals working in the child, family and community welfare sector. CFCA publish a range of publications and resources on family violence
Australian Institute of Criminology
The Australian Institute of Criminology publish research on policing and criminal justice responses to family and domestic violence and conduct the National Homicide Monitoring Program.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
The AIHW produces high-quality reports and other information products, on key health and welfare issues in Australia. These are used to improve the delivery of health and welfare for Australians.
- Family, domestic and sexual violence in Australia: continuing the national story (5 June 2019)
- Family, domestic and sexual violence in Australia (28 February 2018)
Australian Law Reform Commission
The ALRC conducts inquiries—also known as references—into areas of law at the request of the Attorney-General of Australia. Based on its research and consultations throughout an inquiry, the ALRC makes recommendations to government so that government can make informed decisions about law reform.
- Family Violence and Commonwealth Laws—Improving Legal Frameworks (ALRC Report 117) (November 2011, tabled in Parliament on 7 February 2012)
- Family Violence—A National Legal Response (ALRC Report 114) (October 2010, tabled out of sitting and launched on 11 November 2010)
Attorney-General’s Department
The Attorney-General’s Department delivers programs and policies to maintain and improve Australia’s law and justice framework.
COAG Advisory Panel on Reducing Violence against Women and their Children
The Prime Minister announced on 28 January 2015 the establishment of an Advisory Panel on Reducing Violence against Women and their Children. The Advisory Panel provided expert advice to the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) to address the problem of violence against women at a national level.
- Foundation for a National Data Collection and Reporting Framework for family, domestic and sexual violence, 2014 (30 September 2014)
- Bridging the data gaps for family, domestic and sexual violence (25 November 2013)
- Defining the data challenge for family, domestic and sexual violence (7 February 2013)
Data Sources
- Personal Safety Survey
- Recorded Crime – Victims
- Recorded Crime – Offenders
- Criminal Courts, Australia
- Directory of Family and Domestic Violence Statistics
National Community Attitudes towards Violence Against Women Survey (NCAS)
- NCAS Dataverse on the Australian Data Archive
- 2017 NCAS Information, ANROWS
- 2013 NCAS findings, VicHealth
- 2009 NCAS findings, VicHealth
Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health (ALSWH)
- Domestic violence, risk factors and health (August 2018) (PDF) (DOCX)
- Measuring Domestic Violence In Longitudinal Research (October 2017) (PDF) (DOCX)
Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)
Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network
Access a comprehensive list of publications and articles on reducing violence