ANROWS is a not-for-profit, independent research organisation, jointly funded by the Commonwealth and state and territory governments.
ANROWS brings together research on domestic and family violence and sexual assault across the country. ANROWS is an authoritative leader in the production, translation, dissemination and take-up of evidence to reduce the prevalence and effects of violence against women and their children.
Based on national consultation and analyses of gaps in the current state of knowledge on violence against women, ANROWS produced the National Research Agenda to guide researchers and research funders, in general, as well as its own decisions on research priorities.
The ANROWS Research Program comprises over 50 projects across the areas of community attitudes, Perpetrator Intervention research, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research, action research and evaluation and core research in the impacts and responses to experiences of family and sexual violence. This program aligns with the National Research Agenda, which underpins the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010–2022.
ANROWS provides access to evidence through a range of information services to support decision-making for policy and practice, as well as further research. These services include ANROWS’s online Resource Database and a suite of publications. ANROWS Notepad, a fortnightly e-newsletter and ANROWS Insight (e.g. submissions, speeches) will be followed by quarterly publication ANROWS Footprints and other publications to be released as relevant work is completed. Examples of these are ANROWS Landscapes: State of Knowledge Papers; ANROWS Horizons: Research Papers; and ANROWS Compass: Research to Practice and Policy papers.