
Launch of National Plan website

The National Plan website (as part of the wider National Plan communication strategy) was launched on 26 June 2015.

The website was developed by Commonwealth, state and territory governments, in close consultation with National Plan partners. A number of community organisations and individuals were also consulted to inform the content and design of the communication strategy and website, including peak bodies in the Indigenous, culturally and linguistically diverse, and women with disability sectors.

The website provides a shared tool to communicate the work being done to reduce violence against women and their children across the country. On the website you can access key resources including an overview of work being done in all jurisdictions, definitions, common statistics, research and a range of communication tools.

Latest news and upcoming events will also be housed on the website to ensure governments, partners, stakeholders and the wider community have access to relevant, up-to-date information about the National Plan and efforts to address this serious issue.