
In this section:

Reframed Violence Against Women Collaborations

Responsible government

  • South Australia

Fourth Action Plan actions

  • Primary prevention is key
    • 1 Advance gender equality and respect for women through effective primary prevention initiatives.
    • 2 Improve coordination across primary prevention activities to maximise their impact on community attitudes and behaviours that lead to violence.

What are we doing?

Violence Against Women (VAW) Collaborations are multi-agency partnerships that focus on the development of local primary prevention strategies to prevent violence against women at the community level. They bring together local service providers to develop strategic regional approaches to respond to and prevent violence against women that are tailored to the specific strengths, profile and needs of a region. The South Australian Government is revisiting the VAW Collaborations to link them with our new safety hubs as they are developed, but also to ensure that each collaboration has a strong focus on primary prevention and community attitudes with support from community leaders, local organisations, advocates and Our Watch.

What is next?

Next steps include involving local non-response organisations such as women’s organisations, local government and sporting groups as members of the VAW Collaborations. Development of the primary prevention plan for South Australia will also support the work of the collaborations in delivering local primary prevention initiatives. This work is being fast tracked through COVID-19 funding from the Commonwealth as part of supporting community recovery efforts.

What difference will we make?

Focusing on primary prevention in local areas will bring together the work of multiple services, agencies and community groups in reducing violence against women and their children as a collaborative group.

Last updated