
In this section:

Child and family support system

Responsible government

  • South Australia

Fourth Action Plan actions

  • Respect, listen and respond to the diverse lived experience and knowledge of women and their children affected by violence
    • 10 Implement community-led and tailored initiatives to address the unique experiences and needs of communities affected by multiple forms of discrimination or inequality.

What are we doing?

The South Australian Government is delivering a system that provides the right type and intensity of supports, intervening as early as possible where risk exists, to support families and keep children safe.

What have we achieved so far?

Child and Family Safety Networks are now in place in regions across South Australia to identify and support families with young children at risk of entering the child protection system, including those at high risk of domestic, family and sexual violence. The Networks bring together government and non-government services that can support families appropriately.

What is next?

Recognising the significant overlap with domestic and family violence among the populations notified to child protection, the new system will align intensive family support service delivery with domestic and family violence services. This will include ensuring more effective local service coordination and case management.

South Australia is working to create a holistic system for children’s safety, including within families experiencing domestic, family and sexual violence through aligning our multi-agency responses. Sites for testing an integrated service system with local coordination have been selected.

What difference will we make?

This system will help to ensure that women will not be required to repeat their stories to multiple agencies and that children and their families will receive appropriate and timely support.

Last updated