
In this section:

Awareness raising for health and education professionals in recognising domestic and family violence

Responsible government

  • South Australia

Fourth Action Plan actions

  • Improve support and service system responses
    • 16 Enable workforces to provide trauma-informed support with a focus on safety and recovery to victims and survivors of domestic, family and sexual violence.

What are we doing?

The South Australian Government is working to raise awareness among professionals about how to best recognise and respond to domestic, family and sexual violence, and identifying perpetrators and their risk factors.

What have we achieved so far?

The South Australian Women’s Information Service has expanded and provides services through Children’s Centres Safety Hubs, including information and referrals for people experiencing domestic and family violence. The expansion process includes training for the staff and volunteers to help them to recognise the signs that women may be experiencing domestic and family violence.

What is next?

The South Australian Government is working to raise awareness among professionals in Children’s Centres, preschools and schools and emergency departments, so that teachers, student support services and allied health professionals know how to best recognise and respond to violence against women and their children.

In response to COVID-19, the South Australian Government is increasing the capacity for non-specialist services to recognise domestic, family and sexual violence, link into safety-based supports for victim-survivors, and maintain line of sight services for perpetrators. This includes focusing on essential services who are in unique positions to be touch points and gateways to specialist services and supports. Resources have been developed which are being provided to community services, emergency departments and schools.

What difference will we make?

Raising awareness among health professionals and education professionals will enable workforces to provide trauma-informed support with a focus on safety and recovery to victims/survivors of domestic, family and sexual violence.

Last updated