
Annual Progress Report 2014-15 released

The 2014-15 Annual Progress Report of the Second Action Plan 2013-2016: Moving Ahead (the Second Action Plan) under the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022 (the National Plan) was released on 26 June 2015.

2014-15 was a year of unprecedented momentum and action by all governments and the broader Australian community.

The Report outlines the progress of the Australian Government, state and territory governments and the community on the 26 practical actions prioritised under the Second Action Plan, and was endorsed at a meeting of Commonwealth, state and territory Ministers responsible for the implementation of the National Plan.

Linking short and long term initiatives, the Report charts the collective work to drive and implement initiatives that make a real difference to women and their children; from primary prevention and early intervention initiatives, to specialist services for women and their children, to effective perpetrator interventions and controls.

The Annual Progress Report is available online on the National Plan website.